There is no SECRET INGREDIENT! It is just YOU!!!
There is no SECRET INGREDIENT! It is just YOU! Every child's self-confidence need to be built right from when they are very young. As young children, by default they will be confident as they do not know that they have to worry about others' opinions or that they have to please others. When they are toddlers, parents shower all their love and appreciate even the minutest achievements. Every milestone becomes a celebration! The child understands that every achievement will be acknowledged and appreciated. Everything changes when the child enters another setting - a preschool, an early years setting or a childcare. Now, the theory of relativity comes into play! Suddenly, all adults - parents, teachers, carers or any other adult around the child starts comparing his/her achievement with others, judges them and then decides whether to celebrate or not. Worse, parents decide how they will treat the child depending on their judgement!!! Now, let us take a look at the child's per...