
There is no SECRET INGREDIENT! It is just YOU!!!

There is no SECRET INGREDIENT! It is just YOU! Every child's self-confidence need to be built right from when they are very young. As young children, by default they will be confident as they do not know that they have to worry about others' opinions or that they have to please others. When they are toddlers, parents shower all their love and appreciate even the minutest achievements. Every milestone becomes a celebration! The child understands that every achievement will be acknowledged and appreciated. Everything changes when the child enters another setting - a preschool, an early years setting or a childcare. Now, the theory of relativity comes into play! Suddenly, all adults - parents, teachers, carers or any other adult around the child starts comparing his/her achievement with others, judges them and then decides whether to celebrate or not. Worse, parents decide how they will treat the child depending on their judgement!!!  Now, let us take a look at the child's per...

Your child is unique!

"I wonder if my son will turn out alright!"  "My daughter is always wasting her time -----" "My children are not listening to me!!!" There are many occasions in a day when you don't trust your child or believe in her/his abilities! Do you trust your child? How much do you trust? Do you strongly believe that your child will grow up to be a good successful human being? Or do you have doubts? Many times, parents do not want to share their mistrust or disbelief with anyone, even with their spouses. Sometimes, they don't even acknowledge that they mistrust their child or disbelieve their child's capabilities. But, the child can perceive that you DO NOT TRUST HER/HIM! The child also can sense exactly in which situation, you do not trust the child or disbelieve. You need to understand that this one factor plays havoc with your mental health and your child's confidence and well-being! You need to work on this to ensure that neither your mental heal...

Parents' Burnout

  Parents, are you having a Burnout??? Life has changed from pre-pandemic to now!  What was supposed to be a simple life became complicated with added variables.  Variables added is one part of it but having no control over these variables has resulted in complex situations. As parents, you were spending lesser number of hours with your child before. But now, the quantity of time spent with your child has increased exponentially putting the quality of time at stake!  Children need our support and guidance but they don't need us 24/7. As parents, one needs to comprehend this and take appropriate action. Else, you will become a "Helicopter Parent". To become effective, a parent needs to be mindful and disciplined. In the present circumstances, are you feeling that you are overburdened as a parent? Do you think you are exhausted "Parenting"??? Here are a few teasers for you to assess whether you are having a "Parent Burnout" -- Are you screaning at your c...

To be a happy and loving mother, self-care is an essential first step!

                "A mother understands what a child does not say" This statement truly sums up all that a mother is expected to do and all that she does. Right from when a mother has the baby in her womb, she knows exactly what's happening with her baby. And her instincts tell her to meet the needs of the little one. Every mother does!         Let us take a look at all the tasks a mother does from morning till evening -  Well, you know better than me, right? From waking everyone up to putting them to bed at the end of the day, Mom has a role in everything that happens.                                                                     ...

